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Hanvon Touch
Sales Inquiry

Tel: 86-10-82786651/6700 touch@hanwang.com.cn



Questions 1. Structure customization
Asked A.The size of the sensor board can be adjusted according to the size of the display screen.
B.The control board can be placed at any position along the perimeter of the sensor board.
C.The dimensions of the sensor board’s active area can be resized according to the client’s specifications.
Questions 2. Function optimization
Asked A.The data rate, the frequency at which input from the stylus is read by the sensor board, can be optimized as per the client’s request.
B.The stylus accuracy can be configured according to the client’s specifications.
C.The panel can be customized to suit a variety of user preferences, including pressure sensitivity.


Questions 1. Outlook redesign
Asked the pen’s outlook such as shape, color or other specifications can be redesigned according to client’s requirement.
Questions 2. Structure customization
Asked for programmable buttons on the pen, we have 4 options for clients: no button at all, 1 button, 2 buttons, 3 buttons more than 3 buttons’ designation will be achieved in the near future.
Questions 3. Function optimization
Asked Some function of Hanvon pen, such as pressure level, can be optimized according to clients’ requirement.
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